Kairos of North Carolina State Committee
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Kairos of North Carolina State Committee
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What is Kairos Torch
Kairos Torch offers unconditional love and acceptance, encouraging male and female incarcerated youth age 25 and under to share their life journey through participation in a long term mentoring process.
The Weekend
The mission of the 2 ½ day Introductory Weekend is to encourage the participants to remove their masks, so that the real person can shine forth — rather than who they pretend to be. Kairos Torch creates a safe place for the youthful offender to realize their God given potential in a Christian setting that encourages the sharing of their life’s journey, and moves them towards making better choices for their lives. Sadly for some, this is the first time in their lives that they have freely received compassion and love.
Continuing Ministry
The Weekend is followed by a continuing ministry that includes six months of weekly one-to-one mentoring of the youth by Kairos volunteers and monthly group Reunions. The mentors begin each session with a Bible verse, and use a structured guide as a springboard to discuss topics such as self-esteem, anger management, parental relationships, short and longterm goal setting, and forgiveness. The impact and benefit of the program is that the participants attain a renewed sense of themselves, build self-esteem, begin to make constructive life choices and establish positive relationships and community — all of which result in hope for the future and a chance to break the cycle of crime.
How YOU Can Participate
Join or Support a Team:
You can become a Kairos Torch volunteer, and participate in the Weekends in the prisons or juvenile correctional facilities. Not all volunteer opportunities to serve involve going into a correctional facility.
Pray for Us
Without prayer, a Weekend cannot happen. We have people like you praying every minute of the weekend — even all night!
Bake Cookies or Meals
We need dozens of cookies for a typical Kairos Torch Weekend.
Involve Children and Youth
Let children or youth groups draw place mats or wall posters. These drawings often mean the most.
Create Agape Posters
Agape can be posters, place mats and banners addressed to the entire Weekend community as a group. All Agape must be done in prayerful love.
Make a Donation
All Kairos Torch activities are funded by donations. You can make your donation online or send a check to your local Kairos organization.
Kairos Torch for youth offenders
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Kairos Inside®, Kairos Outside®, and Kairos Torch® are programs of Kairos Prison Ministry International®